Collection: Bernadette Parsons

Bernadette is one of New Zealand’s foremost watercolourists. She has been painting for approximately 20 years, mostly self-taught, but has taken every opportunity to attend workshops here and overseas by international renowned watercolourists.

Her works have sold widely and have been published in ‘New Zealand in Watercolour’ and ‘Impressions of New Zealand’ by Denis Robinson.

She tutors from home and also takes 'en plein air' groups around New Zealand.

Her objective is to continue working in partnership with this exciting medium rather than attempting to challenge its freedom. She enjoys taking not only our vast landscapes but also our humble ones and making something special of them by portraying all the elements that can give a painting impact and entertain the viewer such as light and dark and mystery.

Watercolour is the medium Bernadette is passionate about because it often lets these things just happen spontaneously creating paintings with transparency and soul.