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Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Regular price $575.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $575.00 NZD
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"After a few great days based at Lake Roe hut on Fiordland's Dusky Track, we began the long descent down the valley towards Lake Hauroko. As tough as the track is, we were lucky the rain held off for a few extra hours & with all the fresh ferns of early December, it really was a treat for the senses.

After crossing a Walkwire bridge, these boulders in the river bed caught my eye, so I back-tracked to have a closer look. And as I stood here & surveyed this scene, I was like Wow, this is one of the prettiest I've ever laid eyes on! All the moss covered boulders were perfectly placed & with the cascading levels of water, it all struck a wonderful balance. Whilst it's hard to appreciate everything being such a bright shade of green, this is really how it was. Epic settings like this are quite rare & difficult to find, but it's quite a thrill when you do, it makes all the hard slog, mud & sandflies worthwhile!” 

Location: Dusky Track, Fiordland

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